Laura-Beth Salter - Mandolinenspielerin des Tages am 4. September

Uplifting, fresh, honest and powerful music created on three fiddles, mandolin and guitar.
Glasgow-based Kinnaris Quintet burst onto the music scene in 2017 with a unique sound. They have produced the perfect concoction of remaining faithful to their traditional roots, whilst pushing the boundaries of tradition, bringing it to the forefront of exciting and modern music.
Winners of the 2019 Belhaven Bursary for Innovation in Music, their imminent performances will include fresh, new music from their eagerly anticipated second album, 'This Too' released in May 2022.
Musikalischer Stil
Amerikanische Mandoline

Bio : A well kent face on the Glasgow Folk and Roots scene, mandolinist, tutor, singer and composer Laura-Beth is a founding member of award winning folk bands The Shee & Kinnaris Quintet and her duo with Jenn Butterworth. She was nominated for the MG Alba Composer of the year award in 2013 after the success of her Celtic Connections commission and debut album ‘Breathe.’ She is an active tutor of mandolin and youth projects all over the UK and is currently working on a new solo album as well as a composition and recording project with Ali Hutton called 'From The Ground.'
Hailing from Lincolnshire, her parents immersed LB in a diverse range of musical influences from an early age. They ran a local session which led to Laura-Beth’s background in Old-time, Bluegrass and roots music. Feeling a desire to progress further, she moved to Newcastle to study the mandolin and composition on the Folk Music Degree, where she discovered a love for exploring traditional music from all over the world.
Biografie: Die Mandolinistin, Dozentin, Sängerin und Komponistin Laura-Beth ist ein bekanntes Gesicht der Glasgower Folk- und Roots-Szene. Sie ist Gründungsmitglied der preisgekrönten Folk-Bands The Shee & Kinnaris Quintet und ihres Duos mit Jenn Butterworth. Nach dem Erfolg ihres Celtic Connections-Auftrags und ihres Debütalbums „Breathe“ wurde sie 2013 für die Auszeichnung „MG Alba Composer of the Year“ nominiert. Sie ist eine aktive Dozentin für Mandolinen- und Jugendprojekte in ganz Großbritannien und arbeitet derzeit an einem neuen Soloalbum sowie ein Kompositions- und Aufnahmeprojekt mit Ali Hutton namens „From The Ground“.
Ihre Eltern stammen aus Lincolnshire und haben LB schon in jungen Jahren mit einer Vielzahl musikalischer Einflüsse vertraut gemacht. Sie führten eine lokale Session durch, die Laura-Beths Hintergrund in der Oldtime-, Bluegrass- und Roots-Musik näher brachte. Da sie den Wunsch verspürte, sich weiterzuentwickeln, zog sie nach Newcastle, um im Rahmen ihres Volksmusikstudiums Mandoline und Komposition zu studieren, wo sie ihre Liebe für die Erkundung traditioneller Musik aus aller Welt entdeckte.

Foto: Paul Jennings

Laura-Beth Salter hat mir folgende Antworten für meinen Fragebogen geschickt.
I play the mandolin because …. it was the missing instrument in our family bluegrass band! Actually, its because we saw John Moore play with Bluegrass Etc in our local theatre when I was about 13, and his musicianship blew my mind. I was already learning guitar and fiddle at the time, but when I saw him play the mandolin I knew that wad the instrument for me. We had Bela Fleck's 'Natural Bridge' on cassette so I learned to sing all of the mandolin solos to convince my parents to buy me one!
Ich spiele Mandoline, weil …. Es war das fehlende Instrument in unserer Familien-Bluegrass-Band! Eigentlich liegt es daran, dass wir John Moore mit Bluegrass Etc in unserem örtlichen Theater spielen sahen, als ich etwa 13 war, und seine Musikalität hat mich umgehauen. Ich lernte damals bereits Gitarre und Geige, aber als ich ihn Mandoline spielen sah, wusste ich, dass das das richtige Instrument für mich war. Wir hatten Bela Flecks „Natural Bridge“ auf Kassette, also lernte ich, alle Mandolinensoli zu singen, um meine Eltern davon zu überzeugen, mir eine zu kaufen!
Mandolin Mondays Featuring Laura-Beth Salter /// "June's Garden" and "Watching the Hive"
Mandolin Mondays #261: To start a New Year of Mandolin Mondays off right, Glaswegian singer, songwriter, and mandolinist Laura-Beth Salter brings us a set of original tunes played on her lovely Krishot Mandolins F5 built by Eduard Krištůfek.
Big River by Laura-Beth Salter
From a live stream performance in 2021.
Big River is a song from LB's 2013 album, Breathe.
The Devil & I by Laura-Beth Salter
Here is a live video shot up in an old Blackhouse on Lewis. Filmed by Butterstone TV after filming a live broadcast with Dougie Maclean in July 2013.
Written and performed by Laura-Beth Salter, from her 2013 album 'Breathe.'
Salt Creek (with Laura-Beth Salter)
Delighted to continue the series of collaborations with mighty mandolin maestro Laura-Beth Salter. Check out her work with the amazing Kinnaris Quintet and her duo with Jenn Butterworth. I spent many a happy hour at university jamming with Laura so it's great to re-create those days here! Enjoy!
Kinnaris Quintet
Kinnaris Quintet Back Road to Schots
Wonderful (Kinnaris Quintet)
Kinnaris Quintet live at Celtic Colours 2019
Gortavale Rock (Cathal Hayden and Seán Óg Graham) / Road to Poynton (Robert Harbron)
With three fiddles, mandolin and guitar, Kinnaris Quintet’s fresh and invigorating take on traditional music combines Scottish and Irish folk with bluegrass and classical influences. You can sense how this Glasgow-based quintet is driven by the sheer joy of making music together in this set captured at Membertou Trade and Convention Centre during Celtic Colours International Festival 2019.
Kinnaris Quintet perform 'Space Ghettos' backstage | 2021 International Festival
The dazzling Kinnaris Quintet perform their song 'Space Ghettos' backstage at the 2021 International Festival in Edinburgh's beautiful Old College Quad.
Kinnaris Quintet take their name from Southeast Asian mythological creatures, combining the head and body of a woman and the wings and tail of a swan. Made up of Fiona MacAskill, Laura Wilkie and Aileen Gobbi on fiddle, with Laura-Beth Salter on mandolin and Jenn Butterworth on guitar, Kinnaris Quintet combines Scottish and Irish folk music with bluegrass, classical, Scandinavian and Appalachian influences.
Jenn Butterworth and Laura-Beth Salter
Hasse A's / 32 Bars of Filth | Jenn Butterworth and Laura-Beth Salter
Jenn Butterworth and Laura-Beth Salter at the Arran Folk Festival in 2019. Recorded on 7 June 2019 in Brodick Hall.
The first tune is called Hasse A's, written by Finnish fiddle band Frigg:
The second tune is by Luke Plum and is called 32 Bars of Filth.
Jenn Butterworth & Laura Beth Salter
An exclusive traditional music performance from RCS lecturers Jenn Butterworth and Laura-Beth Salter – live from their living room to yours. We hope you enjoy this new Friday at One concert as part of the RCS Presents series.