All-Ireland U-12 Mandolin Champion for 2018, Caitríona Lagan plays 2 Reels starting with “The broken pledge”. Recorded at Fintona Trad Festival in October 2019. Caitríona is from Newbridge CCÉ in Derry.
Musikalischer Stil
Irish Folk

Caitriona Lagan mit 11 Jahren (Screenshots aus dem Video "Sessions in the house 79.Caitriona Lagan. Maid behind the bar/St Ann's Reel.")

Caitriona Lagan am St. Patricks Day 2023 (Screenshots aus dem Video "St. Patrick's Day tunes")

Caitriona Lagan mit Oktavmandoline

I joined a local comhaltas branch and started off there. I then went to a teacher for one to one lessons for a few years. Her name is Brona Graham. I started first on banjo and after the first year my parents bought me a Mandolin and I found it easy to adapt to as it was similar to the banjo . Here is a link to my BBC interview. I have also sent you my YouTube link of a tune I composed myself Maxy Man reel which I'm playing on Mandolin. Videos are also on my Facebook page.
Ich trat einem örtlichen Comhaltas-Zweig bei und fing dort an. Dann ging ich einige Jahre lang zu einer Lehrerin für Einzelunterricht. Ihr Name ist Brona Graham. Ich habe zunächst mit dem Banjo angefangen, und nach dem ersten Jahr kauften mir meine Eltern eine Mandoline, an die ich mich leicht gewöhnen konnte, da sie dem Banjo sehr ähnlich ist. Hier ist ein Link zu meinem BBC-Interview. Ich habe Ihnen auch einen YouTube-Link zu einem von mir komponierten Stück geschickt: Maxy Man reel, das ich auf der Mandoline spiele. Videos sind auch auf meiner Facebook-Seite.
Sessions in the house 79.Caitriona Lagan. Maid behind the bar/St Ann's Reel.
Caitríona Lagan, (11yrs old) playing a medley of reels "Maid behind the bar/St Ann's Reel" on Irish Tenor banjo, for sessions in the house.
Guitar, Pandy Walshe
Bass, Joseph Murray
St. Patrick's Day tunes
"Maxy Man" reel, my newly composed tune!
"Maxy Man" Reel hat Caitriona selbst komponiert.
All Ireland Under 12 Mandolin Champion 2018 Caitríona Lagan
'I play all the instruments in my Irish music band'
Caitríona Lagan is an All-Ireland champion musician from Castledawson.
The 15 year old plays five instruments - the banjo, mandolin, fiddle, guitar and the mandola.
During lockdown she began posting videos on social media showcasing her wide-ranging musical talent.
“I will remember music helping me through lockdown, it gave me something to do and it kept me going,” she told BBC News NI.
On Thursday, the Northern Ireland Executive announced the relaxation of rules around live music would be delayed to 5 July.
The changes have been delayed due to concerns about an increase in case numbers of the Delta variant.
Catriona added: "I haven’t seen any of my friends who play music in sessions for so long and I can’t wait to see them again, it will be great to play together.
“I love playing Irish traditional music, it helps me escape and I’ll never give it up.”
Video journalist: Niall McCracken
Ashbury Octave Mandola ( playing the “Maid behind the bar” and “Ms Mcleod’s” reels)
Caitríona Lagan playing at Fundraising Concert with Causeway Trad Group.
Cooley’s reel
In diesem Video spielt Caitriona alle Instrumente - Banjo, Mandoline, Mandola, Gitarre, Geige
Sunday Sessions - Caitríona Lagan
Next up in our series of Sunday Sessions is All Ireland multi instrumentalist, Caitríona Lagan Music from Castledawson.
Caitríona is joined by the very talented Gray sisters from Draperstown. Aíne on Harp and Eileanóir on fiddle. Enjoy a Sunday afternoon with a few reels and jigs as well as some Irish Ballads from the foothills of the beautiful Slieve Gallion mountain.